13  Housing model

13.1 combine: capacity/reserves and ownership prediction

13.1.1 proportion of cooperative housing according to capacity/reserves

capacity/reserves contains only people due to additional (!) yearly (!) usage of reserves therefore, add the cumulative values to the past population

with past (for plot) why? for plotting why a plot? to check if capacity/reserves population values are… …meaningful in comparison to the past

Figure 13.1: people, capacity, reserves

13.2 projects, capcity and reserves

13.2.1 with the past

Figure 13.3: population by district and owner

13.2.2 by district (without owner)

Figure 13.4: population by district

13.2.3 all (entire city)

Figure 13.5: population

13.3 compare projects and reserves

13.3.1 projects and reserves (cumulative amount of people)

Figure 13.6: projects and reserves final

Figure 13.7: projects and reserves final

13.3.2 total people per district and ownership

WHY not with the object car_spa? it is easier to calculate totals with the original objects and closer to ‘raw’ data, i.e. ownership trends not considered

Figure 13.8: projects and reserves by district and owner; people

13.3.3 total proportion by district and ownership

Figure 13.9: projects and reserves by district and owner; proportion

13.3.4 total people by district

Figure 13.10: projects and reserves by district; people

13.3.5 total proportion by district

Figure 13.11: projects and reserves by district; proportion